Visit Will's Playground at DeRivera Park
Jet Express hosts “Will’s Day at the Bay” to raise money for families affected by Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA).
SMA is a motor neuron disease that affects activities such as crawling, walking, and swallowing. It is relatively common for a “rare disorder,” affecting roughly 1 in 6000 babies; about 1 in 40 people carry the SMA gene. SMA is always fatal in children.
Will’s Day at the Bay is held in memory of the young Will Blumensaadt of Put-in-Bay, who died of SMA just before his first birthday in June 2005. Will’s father, and owner of Jet Express, Todd Blumensaadt said: “This is a really special event for me and the whole Jet Crew. By supporting research on this disease, hopefully we can make a difference for children and families suffering from Spinal Muscular Atrophy.”